Archive for December 7th, 2009


Heart & Soul

[The author of the recipe below, Abraham Abbe Stubenhaus, has learned to cook healthy, hearty and delicious. He’s had some problems which led him to research what food is best. In his first entry on this pages, Abraham Abbe explains his philosophy and shares one of his own recipes. In his unique, unique format, he’ll seek to nourish both a healthy body and a soul. CS]

Sholom Aleichem!

Welcome to a friendly, receptive, healthy place. My aim is to give nourishing and wholesome recipes for body, and mind. Hopefully, your feedback will help me learn more about your interests and this column will help you feel great.

Who am I? What qualifications do I have to write this column? Well, since you asked… Nine years ago, my doctor told me that I would have to lose weight in a “healthy” way. He set me up with appointments with three different nutritionists in one hospital, they all gave me various tips and advice and insights into the world of losing weight while strengthening my body.

I learned from them and from trial and error which foods would be nutritious for me and would not make me tired or sluggish. I learned these ideas six years ago and because of the advice, the help, the tips I got from those nutritionists at Mt. Sinai Hospital, and from two more licensed nutritionists at Cornell/Weill N.Y. Presbyterian Hospital, I managed to adjust and adapt my foods to meet the boundaries I was forced live in.

Since the liver filters every item that enters the body, not only foods and liquids but even smells and air, and since the heart is the most essential organ, I soon, based on their professional advice, developed nutritional guidelines to help me survive. I had liver disease and a heart problem and therefore, the overwhelming aim of my recipes are geared to deal with those two extremely vital organs. Thus, the recipes automatically are also healthy for the body in general.

Since exercise is always important, it is essential to be alert and not slow in order to go for walks and do light exercise to increase stamina and vitality. The recipes I created were specifically tailored to meet health criteria to provide energy and nutrition while improving blood enzymes and blow flow.

My column is meant to raise your spirits, your vitality, your energy, to help you be a more productive and industrious member of Klal Yisroel. Each post will have at least four sections:
Section one
, a recipe with instructions.
Section two, a midrash on TaNa”CH.
Section three, a health tip.
Section four, humor.

Section One

Cauli Casserole

Nutritional information; very low starch, very low carbohydrates, very little salt, very much taste, no potatoes. This recipe is good for those who have problems with liver, heart, blood, obesity, or those on blood thinners.

2 cauliflowers
1 small onion diced
1 cup of diced mushrooms (any)
1 yellow squash
1 package of carrots
1/2 cup skim milk
Crushed garlic
Virgin olive oil
Pinch of salt
Pinch of pepper
Hot sauce (optional)
Ketchup (optional)

Peel carrots and squash, cut cauliflower into only florets only, wash all vegetables.


Step One……In a frying pan, place one tablespoon of olive oil, add the onion and mushrooms and 1/2 tablespoon of crushed garlic, 1/2 spoon of hot sauce (if desired) and/or a tablespoon of ketchup. Lower flame and stir once in a while until well cooked, then shut and leave covered.

Step Two……Steam the cauliflower, carrots and squash, in a colander with three glasses of water while covered for 15 to 20 minutes or until a fork goes easily in. Drain water from pot. Return all vegetables to pot. Pour in the frying pan ingredients and bring to a boil. Lower flame and simmer for at least 15 minutes.

Step Three….Place all steamed ingredients plus all frying pan contents in a 9 x 13 inch pan and mash all thoroughly with a hand blender. Place pan in preheated 400 degree oven for twenty minutes (topped with shredded cheddar cheese if desired).

Season as desired. Store in refrigerator covered. Yummy!!!

Section Two


There were seven things Hashem created before the world was fashioned and they are; the Torah, Gehinom, Gan Eden, Hashem’s Throne (Chair), the Bais Hamikdash, Repentance, the name of Moshiach…. Pirkei D’Rabee Eliezer, Perek Shlishi

Section Three

Health Tip

Exercise with care and deliberation. My mother, Mrs. Rose Kravitz Stubenhaus a”h, used to tell me, “Don’t overdo anything.”

Section Four


Question: What do you get from eating many desserts?
Answer: Stressed. That is “desserts” spelled backwards.

Please comment below. Let me know if this column is of interest, if you find instructive. If you have any particular food restrictions let me know and I’ll come up with a nutritious, delicious, recipe just for you.

Hoping to get your feedback,
Abraham Abbe

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December 2009


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